Monday, May 5, 2014

Like my Mother does:)

Like My Mother Does:)‏

Hello my Lovely Family!!!
This was a great week! I am loving Warsaw and especially my companion, she is so wonderful and we get along so well. This week we had a lot of really great moments...
I went on an exchange with Sister Blake and we had a great opportunity to get to know each other better. I am so grateful for the chance I have had to be with her so often! It's crazy since we have never been in the same city until now but I think I've been near her my whole mission. She is doing so well and she and my sweet Sister Owen are such a cute companionship. We just had so much fun running around serving people and searching for Less Actives and enjoying speaking with people about the gospel. It was a great experience.
On Wednesday we had zone conference and it was SO powerful! President called us all to repentance. He started out saying that we as a mission are expected to reach new heights, because of this we need to leave behind those things that would hold us back. It could be our family, worries about home, disobedience, or anything really... so in light of that... I won't be writing home anymore...
Just kidding:)
But I have really searched for those things that would hold me back and I am focusing all I can on making charity my purpose. That everything I do may be fueled by that charity! Love for my Savior and for others. I think this will come by thoughtful prayer and seeking to better understand the atonement of the Savior for myself and all mankind! Czyż nie jesteśmy braćmi i siostrami? We also talked about something that is going to change my mission and my life. We discussed getting to the point. To znacze że we are going to be speaking with people about how much Heavenly Father Loves Them. Because of this love, He wants you to change your life, so that you can reach your potential and have everlasting happiness. This joy that comes from purity and cleanliness doesn't need to be yours after this life, but now. This joy comes from repentance and faith in the Savior. We invite all men everywhere to show Heavenly Father that this change is real by entering into the waters of baptism and making a covenant with Him. This covenant will cleanse us of our sins and we are reborn in the light of His love! Sharing this message has REALLY made an impact on my life, and I now feel strongly that even though as a person we all have weaknesses, I feel the most in line with the will of God than ever before in my life. I Love my mission. I love my Savior.
This week Poland had a few holidays and so we were able to spend some time being more Polish on the old town!!! It was so fun and I was reminded ( like I am every day) of the joy and beauty of the country I am serving in! I LOVE Poland!
I also got to spend a whole day outside in the rain. It was hillarious! Sister Poklinkowska and I were trying to find a less active who lives pretty far away, and it was POURING. Needless to say we didn't find her, and we ended up freezing... my shoes are eradicated. Nevertheless... She came to church the next day!!! It was a miracle. The whole day when I felt a little grumpy I just thought of my optimistic mom:) I am so grateful that this time of the year I can celebrate my mother!! I sure do love her!
During Zone Conference we went out contacting about repentance and baptism. Preaching repentance. wow, what a novel idea. But so much purpose and light has come into my life as I just get to the point:) Anyways... Sister Poklinkowska found a super awesome lady who od razu accepted a baptismal date! her name is Elżbieta and she is the sweetest! So we've been teaching her, we also found the sweetest girl named Kasia on a park bench and are set up for this week! It was a good week!
A few other random thoughts... we met some people from France.. I forgot EVERYTHING! It's okay though:) Also... Dad... do you know someone named Cory Anderson who served in Paraguay? And did you know that President Edgren's son served in Paraguay? We had dinner at the mission home last night! It was sooo delicious. I miss home-made food. Sister Edgren said on a P-day she'll teach me how to cook something... I have learned how to cook a few things, so don't fret! It was such a wonderful meeting and I got to be with my Sister Petherbridge who is also a sister training leader. It was cool to be together a year later!
Well I sure do love you all a lot!I do get to SKYPE though!!! So that will be so wonderful. I will be able to skype at 8:00 your time on Sunday... So I need to know our skype address, if you could send it asap we got the okay to check it during the week.
A great week. I can say I've learned so much and am excited for the miracles that lay ahead!
z miłoscią
Siostra Hemming

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