Monday, April 28, 2014


April 28th, 2014
Moja piekna Polska!

Hello my lovelies!!!

So I had a good week with Sister Pokli.( her name is super long) She has family from PoznaƄ which is a city in the mission, so she is Polish far back in her line!
This week we have been really focusing on building a  strong foundation for our investigators. Our branch has really struggled at different times with different things, Poland is almost like the Kirtland period in the church, but the people's testimonies are so strong, it is really inspiring! We have been meeting and talking with them about charity. I think that all starts with us as missionaries, but it has really made a huge impact here in the branch. It is so interesting how quickly revelation travels and how grateful I am for the fact that I can learn so much each week and then apply it to the work. At the beginning of the transfer I read Alma 1. This really reminded me of the strong saints in this branch and I shared it with some other missionaries in our branch. Sister Poklinkowska and I have been really feeling a need for charity among the branch and it just so happens that all the missionaries have as well, so we met up with our mission correlation director in the branch and pitched the idea that we were willing as missionaries to fast or pray for how we can help the branch and serve to the best of our ability. This lead to a discussion on charity for each other and members and ourselves.  Then as we started meeting with the members and showing a united front they have reacted wonderfully and everyone is preparing to fast the coming week that there can be more charity in the branch. It is amazing to me how the Lord works through us to the blessing of others! As I was directing the music in church on sunday( I really am terrified of doing that... no idea why;) I felt so much love for all of the members! There is a sweet family in our branch whose daughter hasn't been to church for a while and her husband is awesome and not a member. We have a good relationship with them and are trying to help them to take those next steps as their sweet little girl was blessed this week! So cool. Other than that we are really dry as far as investigators. I know there are people out there who are prepared for the word and we are working really hard to find them, I am sure that we will build a pool of wonderful souls seeking the truth this transfer, it is a blessing I have seen many times on my mission and look forward to seeing again.
Sisters in the Warsaw Zone 1 Branch with the sweetest little girl member!!
I am learning alot this transfer and I learned an amazing lesson this week. We had a leadership training session and we talked about changing the mission culture. I remembered coming into the mission and having so much love and excitement for the work, I still feel it, but as I've reflected on my missionary attitude I've decided that I too can really improve the "culture" of our mission and show these new and incoming missionaries How Much I Love Poland! And more importantly how much I love my Savior, for these two things really do go hand in hand. It was really great!
I hope that Rors has a great time at her play this week! The story of Aunt Rachel brought me to tears, I am so grateful for how the Lord watches over us as we strive to live our part. It is very sweet to know that as we live right we are always blessed to be where we need to be and when:) I am so grateful for that!
I pray for you all every night and I love you! It is a lovely season right now, except that one day it's lovely and the next is freezing rain... but that's how life can be sometimes:) It really makes me appreciate the lovely days!
I am excited to continue on the transfer and see what continues to happen. I love being a missionary and have so many miracles! We see how much peace is given to those with whom we speak.
I can't wait to share more about what happens this week! I love you all:)

Much Love,
Siostra Ali Hemming

I really love you all so much.

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