Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!!

February 10th, 2014
I thought I looked European!!
Hello Hello My Lovely Family!!                

I also can't believe time. It is CRAZY! I can't imagine leaving Kielce but I know that transfers will be soon and I am trying to give it my all these next couple of weeks! I love to hear about your skiing adventures. I think I may give it a shot again... after all... It's all about sticking to something and finishing it out! Please don't worry about Valentines Packages! I am so grateful you're even sending me one:) I know it's not cheap and I'm just super grateful so please don't worry:)
This week I began to read the bible. Let's be honest... at first I was really doubting that decision because I struggle with accepting some of the weirder stories. So I was praying about it and I had another striking example that Heavenly Father answers our prayers! I looked up and saw that the Liahona had a New Testament study guide.. czyli I need to study it. So i began to look at it from a new angle and saw that it has so much good! I read about Abraham and almost cried thinking about him having to take his child whom he loved so much up to the mountain. Then Isaac asks him where the sheep is to be sacrificed, I think he must have understood. There is a lot of symbolism in the fact that he had to carry the wood. Then Abraham is ready to perform the deed. the whole time he doesn't question, just does. The Lord is pleased with him and doesn't require it at his hands, but blesses him and his posterity. That really hit home with me. I am dedicating this week to be a week wherein Heavenly Father can know that I am prepared to give my all. That He can count on me to do His will. Heavenly Father's sacrifice of His Son is something I don't understand but am increasingly more grateful for. What a blessing the scriptures are! I also was touched by the three love stories. Abraham and Sarah. Isaac and Rebeca. Jacob and Rachel. It is obvious that love between these righteous people is expanded and fulfilled in living righteous lives, and they pass it on to their children. "Virtue Loveth Virtue, and Light Cleaveth Unto Light".
So thankful for running water:)
Go Batman!!  Thanks Dad:)

We had a lot of lessons this week and were able to meet two new young girls who are fabulous and have great potential! At church on Sunday we had four of our lovely investigators. I am so grateful to be here and to know these people. It is a miracle to see how the Lord works miracles. I am striving this month for Faith. Polish people have faith. I have seen it so strongly in so many members! This week two of our investigators committed to live the word of wisdom! I know it is so hard but I can't wait to meet and see how it has changed them. I LOVE the word of wisdom! It is soooo inspired. I can't even describe how much I have seen the negatives effects of not living it during my mission.
Sister Owen and I feel so much better! It is a miracle how few times I've been sick on my mission. We got to discuss alot about ourselves and it led me to reflect on the lessons I've learned while being on my mission. So many, and I know the Lord has many more prepared for me. I feel that Elder Dube's talk is perfect for me right now. Don't look back at what's happened, but just look ahead and believe that more will be expected, more will be felt, and more will be recieved. I am so grateful for that. I would tell you all to look at Gen. 29 : 20. This time in Poland has felt like days, I am so grateful for the Love that leads this work. President Edgren told us about how the Lord is with us. Laboring with us. That sure puts a whole new twist on things, I can't believe I've never thought of it before, or at least never applied it. Missions are the best!
Karina's daughter Victoria! So cute! Just like livi:)
Me being sick:(

It's been Crazy warm here!!! I am in shock! It was so warm that I didn't need gloves or a coat yesterday, just a jacket. miracle. I can't believe how blessed I've been! We can find more people when it's warm... maybe that's why:) The Lord is preparing Poland!!!  Sister Owen and I have just been loving our transfer, working harder every day, and asking ourselves how the Lord saw our day and I have been asking myself how the Lord sees my heart. Because that is most important. I am so grateful for this mission and all I have learned, for the changes made. I was reading my patriarchal blessing and realized just how blessed I am and have been. Feeling that gratitude has brought the Spirit so much stronger into my life!
 Sorry for such a long one but I love you all so much! I have to share all the things I've learned!!! I love this place! I love you and and pray for you each night. I think of your love and examples for me and I wish you a wonderful valentines day filled with the best kind of love there is! Charity:) the only True and lasting love, the love of Christ.
Love Love Love,
Siostra Ali Hemming

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