Monday, November 4, 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween (November 4th 2013)

My Sweet, Lovely Family!
I can't believe that you already had the first snowfall! Of course you won't find it hard to believe that yesterday I went out in a jacket and flats and no umbrella and it decided to rain cats and dogs( I might add that it hasn't rained in weeks!) Needless to say, I ended up trudging through the streets with soaking shoes... but we found two new investigators! I've learned so much this week about doing the work of the Lord!
So... pierwszy... since I know you all are wondering what's going on... drum roll...
I'm Staying! In Kielce:) whooo hoo! and I'm training! What? I know. How can the sister who can't even correctly dress herself for the rain train another sister. I admit that at first when prezydent told me that I'd be training I thought that I still don't really know anything, but I have learned alot about how I need to trust in the Lord this week, and that played into my reaction. I know the Lord qualifies whom He calls. I am grateful for an opportunity to pick up the pace. To rely completely on the Lord. To strive to give Him my every waking thought!
This was a crazy and beautiful week! On halloween we had a great crepe breakfast! yay:) I got a package from the Listons on Wednesday! Perfect timing! I am sending them a letter, but tell them thank youso much! It was filled with the best things:) Candy Corn... and cute halloween decorations. We had a great time on Saturday with Prezydent Najberg on the cemetaries. I will show you some pictures, it is amazing!
We had a lot of lessons and were really praying to find five new investigators... As I felt and meant what I said in my prayers and then matched it with action, the Lord's miracles fell into our paths time and time again.  We are teaching a sweet lady named Sylwia. She is a single mom ( we are now teaching 3 mothers with children... something I only dreamed of in Kraków). We have had a hard time meeting with her because she's really busy but I feel prompted that she will be of great strength to the branch, so I know the Lord will prepare a way.
Sister Barth has been so amazing this week( and every week) but this week she just worked so hard. She was a great example and influence on me, and I'm a little sad that just when I feel that we start to work really well together we get seperated, but more about that later.
For my miracle of the week I would like to share a very special experience. I normally don't like to talk about the hard things but I think this is for the best of everyone! I was feeling a little bit under the weather on Saturday but I was really excited to get out and find people! So I prayed and went to work. It was especially hard that day. No one was talking to us and on top of that some people were pretty rude. I began to feel frustrated, and I said a prayer... " Please help me to love this:)". I contacted the next lady I saw and she was getting really mad at me. Telling me that she's already Catholic and how dare I be in her country and tell her that she doesn't know about God. I tried to share with her that I am so glad she already has faith, and simply wanted to invite her to learn more about this thing that has brought me somuch happiness. She then proceeded to tell me more unkind things. I walked away and was feeling a little emotional( yep) and all of the sudden I had this feeling of peace and love wash over me. It was so enobling and enabling. I felt love and strength. I KNEW in that moment that I am a daughter of God. That He loves me, and that everything and every sacrifice and every blessing ever made by myself or my ancestors was for something that is true! Right after that I met this lovely lady who was so kind and took a Book of Mormon and set up for tonight! I said a tearful and heartfelt prayer of thanks after that. The Lord is so mindful of us. As we do what He wants. And only then can we feel the full extent of His love.
I bear my testimony that it's real. I know it . I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I know if for myself and not just as a tradition or a nice story, God Lives. He loves us. And His church is on the earth as proof of that love. The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints!
I love being amissionary! I can't wait to meet a new companion and get moving on a new transfer filled with humbling experiences and growth in the Lord!
I love you all so much!
Love Sister Erika Alexis Hemming

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