Monday, October 6, 2014

Truth is Light!!!

October 6th, 2014
Moja Kochająca, śliczna, szalona, wierna rodzina(włącznie z przyjaciółmi),
If you're reading this and you haven't seen conference go watch it right now;)
Apple Picking...Yep...I live in a fairytale:)
I am so thankful to be writing you today from my little library off of Solidarności. It is a lovely day with lovely weather and a huge blessing for me. This morning I got up and ran through the old streets of warsaw to Ogród Saski and saw the Teatr Wielki:) drank some tea( fruit:) and I have a bułka( roll) from the local bakery in my backpack! I hung up my laundry on a drying rack and I studied the scriptures, I learned of the Prophet Joseph Smith and I studied some of the Book of Mormon. I read this morning from 2 Nephi 6 and 7. I learned that those who wait on the Lord are not ashamed. I think this means that they are not confounded, and they are not decieved, and they are not afraid to boldly testify of the truth of their message. I studied Polish with my sweet companion and I headed off to the library. Why am I tellling you the boring routine of my day...? Because I LOVE It!!! I love my mission.
I've been writing some of my mission history this week. I have been brought to tears many times as I've seen how the hand of my Savior has unfolded in my life and on my mission. It's amazing. He has changed me. Honestly speaking, the feeling of going home and the knowledge of leaving this beloved place hasn't set in yet, but I can say that I've been blessed with a clear vision of what the Lord expects of me at this time. Love, Service, and doing the right things for the right reasons. Hearing Elder Bednar's talk on that topic really touched me. It led me to thinking, why do I do what I do? Why do I go out on the street and find people? Why do I constantly try and think of new ways to teach and find? Why do I strive for obedience? The answer for me has differed at different times of my mission, to be honest, but I think that underneath it all is Faith. Faith in the Savior and His love for me and mankind. The gospel message that we are sharing is the only source of light that exists in the world. It is truly the only source of peace. It is the only source of hope. Otherwise all else would be lost. That is why! I have looked so much during my mission at the way that the gospel has blessed my life, and I am so grateful. It has changed me and my family and all of my Polish family! That is something that has helped me to see the gospel in action, I've seen it change and hold and unfold things into our lives that we never even knew we were capable of or that we needed:)
Culture Night....Romeo and Juliet
This week we had an interesting week. It was filled with lots of finding and honestly rejection. I am grateful for that, because this week we have sooo many people to teach and I'm so excited. The good contrasts the bad. We were able to find so much joy though in this week. One of the miracles was that we met with this woman named Jagna. She is wonderful and she and her family NEED the restored gospel. It is so beautiful! Our lesson was on the plan of salvation and the Spirit was so strong. I was so blessed to have that lesson and to know that I have to rely on the Lord to bring the Spirit. It was wonderful.Sister Smith is a Wonderful teacher and she is always helping me get out of my mission box and try new things and have new faith and love. It's wonderful! I am grateful for her and we are working on building a great friendship even this week. She has really brightened the end of my mission and we have so much fun! She will do great things.
I was really fasting on Saturday that I could learn something that would ennable me to progress when I get home, well I think the miracle of my week was conference because I was guided and directed that I am going to be able to do so many things. I am glad that my mission just jumpstarts my life because I've still got ALOT of changing to do and ALOT to learn, but I am so thankful to have learned so much of how to do those things. I loved the talk about boldly declaring what we believe. We need to be kind and loving, but I felt that this conference really showed me that there is great black and white in this world. I have chosen light:) How grateful I am to choose the light every day.  I was also very impressed with how many times the Lord instructed us to gain our own testimony. The promise is real, we will be taught from on high. Having our own questions is good, but we need to take them before the Lord and faithfully act in obedience until we recieve an answer. The Church is True:)
My lovely Iryna!!
In closing, I would like to bear my testimony. I testify that the gospel is light. I've seen the world and what it has to offer. Darkness, regret, momentary things. What does the gospel of Jesus Christ offer us? Joy, eternal light, hope, the knowledge and understanding to face trials with courage and to face disappointment with faith that the Lord holds true to His promises. Read the scriptures, the promises of the Lord are sure. They have come to pass and will continue to do so. It is up to us to decide if we choose to see them, these promises, and if we live worthily of His fulfilling them in our own lives. He is loving, and His atonement is all-powerful. It has the power to overcome even the deepest and most long-reaching sadness and regret. He ALWAYS wants our return. I also can testify that Joseph Smith was not just a prophet of God, but a wonderful, faithful, clean and prepared man. He was called of God to restore HIs church on the earth. This is truth. It has brought light into my life and so many others. Prayer is real, it works, and it is filled with power. The Temple is the house of God:)
I'm so grateful to have been a missionary in Poland. Kocham Polskę! Ci ludzie są moim ludem. Niby ten język był moim ojczyznym jęzkiem:) Jednakże, kiedy wrócę do swojego kraju, swojej rodziny a swojego domu wiem jedno, przynieszę z sobą relacje o które się troszczyłam. Z polakami, i przedewzystkim z Bogiem. Moje serce wie, bezgranicznie, że Bóg jest Moim Ojcem, że Jego Syn Jezus Chrystus jest Moim Zbawicielem, i że Jozef Smith był Jego Objawicielem w tej dyspensacji. Kocham was, i najwyższy czas bym napisała cos po Polsku;)
z miłością, Siostra Ali Hemming

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