Monday, July 28, 2014

Barb's Baptized!!

July 28th, 2014 
Barb's Baptism!!!! So much Joy!
Okay Family... so first off,,,, I'm fine! Life is good and the church is true:) I am feeling so good this week and Heavenly Father answered my prayers and has blessed me in so many ways! The Atonement and it's enabling power is real.
Second off, I spent some time e-mailing my favorite sister so this one could be short:)We'll see...
Barbara got baptized!!! Let me tell you about her. She is a crack up! She is in her 60's but is a fire cracker! She was found by Sis. Sheahan 2 years ago but dropped off the planet until about a month ago when we found her contacting for baptism! She is lovely and everything this branch needs, kind, hilarious, fun and filled with testimony! She read the book of Mormon every day even for two years while she wasn't meeting with the missionaries! Every seed we plant is certainly accounted for by the Lord.
Sister Hemming, Barbara, and Sister Blake!!
At her baptism Sister Call( a missionary from Wrocław) were able to sing as sisters in zion and it was lovely! I love being a missionary! I've attached some pictures of the party afterward! She made and brought her own cake, the members( and missionaries) loved that.When she came up out of the water, cleansed of her sins, she was BEAMING! Oh it was lovely.
Barb, Theresa and Sister Hemming
I think my favorite part of that would definitely have to be the confirmation though. The blessing she was given was directed specifically to her! Especially because the man giving her the blessing didn't know her at all! The church is true. I was especially touched because I've had some special experiences lately where the Holy Ghost has testified to me that I am a daughter of God and has reminded me of the power of a testimony, so I know what she's receiving. What a marvelous gift, constant reminders of the reality of the plan of Salvation and all things associated with it! All in all a lovely week! We also had zone conference which always builds my testimony! It is wonderful to remember the great things about member missionary work! I can't wait to make some goals to be a member missionary. A disciple of Christ!
Well, as for fun and funny moments I have these...
Cinnamon rolls!! 
Made some cinnamon rolls, they worked out well until I forgot they were cooking:) Yay!!! hahaha life with me never gets old:)
We went to a member's baby shower. The whole thing was so sweetly organized by another member, but it was pretty crazy because I haven't been to a "party" for a long time and I was TOTaLLY awkward... especially in Polish:) Oh dear:)
Baby Shower:)
I am loving my mission. It is hot like Hades here in Poland! But I am grateful because I'm feeling pretty used to it, so that;s a blessing. I haven't tried to much new food lately, I'm pretty addicted to eating rasberries:)
A lovely statue of the Savior
I read today Ether 2 and 3. I really prayed to understand it and I did!!! It means to me a lot because I see that the Lord loves who He chastens, and we have to live among the waves, but if we come to Him in prayer and deep desires He will make of our lives lights that shine in the darkness of this world. I have really gained a testimony of that on my mission.
I love the Scriptures and I'm adoring Isaiah right now! He was truly inspired, and I love to read it!
The church is True!!!
Love, Siostra Hemming

Monday, July 21, 2014

Happy Pioneer Day!

 July 21st, 2014
My Birthday Cake!!!

Poland is lovely! The flowers are bright and blooming, the sunsets are gorgeous, and the Saints are strong. I love these missionaries and these members. They have changed my life, and I hope I'll be as faithful a servant as them. Sister Blake and I spend many days just laughing and enjoying the blessing we have of being here as missionaries.
Speaking of which, she goes home in a month! It is kind of freaking me out. to be honest I have completely not thought a lot about coming home. It still seems so far away to me and I'm trying to be focused on the here and now. I do think I need to start thinking about goals that I can make for when I get home, so that I can continue onward as a faithful servant of the Lord! A missionary forever:) I want to do it in my own way. That is one thing I have learned this week, I am me:) I need to do what the Lord wants but using my own talents! This week we were able to do some cool finding activities!!! We stood on the street in Old Town and sang for two hours. Myself and Elder Brown sang while Sis. Blake and another elder contacted. I felt the Spirit testify to me that I am a servant of the Lord. People were stopping all up and down the street as I was able to sing out my testimony! I'll tell more of that in another e-mail.  So Sis. Blake and I go running every day and seek for people to talk to along the way. It's actually helped us find some cool people and also enjoy Warsaw. 
I love and miss my cute family! Seeing water and people in swimsuits and life jackets was weird! I feel that Heavenly Father has blessed me to not feel homesick even at this time, but I still remember and love and miss you!
This weekend we have a lady who will get baptized! Her name is Barbara and she is a wonderful woman who we met a month ago. She was a former and she is so prepared and filled with love! I am grateful for her example and I think that she will be a kingdom builder! This week she has still stayed away from smoking and is doing so well! I am grateful to be a servant of the Lord, and see His hand in people's lives every day.
Please know that I am well and I love you all so! I am reading the scriptures and saying my prayers and I am seeking revelation. It is blessing my life and keeping me enjoying what I am doing and who I am!
I am glad you had fun at Bear Lake! What a fun time and I sure love my cute grandparents.I remember being afraid to go out and go tubing! It was terrifying:) I am glad that the family tradition of skiing has continued on, I want to become a pro skier too!
Polish comic books given to her for her birthday!
I know that the Lord has watched over me and my family since the time of the Pioneers! I am grateful for their example of endurance and faith and positivity. They've helped me on my mission many many times and I know that help will be sent me in my times of need for the rest of my life!
I love you mom and dad:)
Love Love Love, Ali
She's packed them away and will read them when she returns home!

Monday, July 14, 2014

It's my party and I'll laugh if I want to :)

July 14th, 2014

What???My favorite...dried Mangos!
Okay... so I know the title of this sounds pretty egotistical... and Also it's " cry" but who want to cry on their birthday? Not me:)
So this was a wonderful Week! Monday was hectic, but I was so grateful because we were busy:)
Happy Birthday to my Harmie Buddy! I sure love him and hope he has a great birthday!
My birthday was seriously the best birthday of my life. No joke> I was so grateful to be a Poland Warsaw missionary for the Lord! I woke up thinking... " I"m in Europe on my birthday... I'm spending it with some of my best friends... I'm doing to work of the Lord" Doesn't get much better than that. We ate a lot of good food, and spent the day contacting and having a ball. I met some really cool people from all over the world. I woke up and opened up some wonderful presents from my cutest family. ( The cake was gone in a day... missionaries;) and I was so touched by the sweet notes. I must say that one of my favorite birthday moments didn't come until later... I was finished with Language study and preparing for the day when our phone rang. I answered and this sweet, gruff Polish voice answered " Cześć Siostro, tu Prezydent Najberg" Hello my sister, it's president Najberg. He remembered my birthday and called me, I talked with him and his sister and I loved it! What a treat. He is like my grandpa, and I sure love those Kielce saints. I also got a birthday card from one of the members in Warsaw. I'm so grateful! We topped off the day with some sushi... Elder peacock and Garrison gave me a batman comic in Polish... I'll look at it when I get home! And Elder Peacock ate a HUGE chunk of wasabi. Oh dear:) Then we talked with some members and had a missionary meeting. Wonderful Day:) I made a goal to do 21 things I"ll miss about being  Poland missionary... I''ll share them with you another time.
Happy 4th of July...Raspberries!!
Sister Blake and I learned a lot about how the world works this week unfortunately. We are literally sometimes walking through the world and sharing light with people pretty lost in darkness. I prayed to see the difference in a life centered on the restored gospel and a normal life and Oh Boy did I get an answer! I saw that in normal life there are a lot of things to distract and even deter from the path Heavenly Father desires for us. This church teaches with authority the things that keep us on the right track. Follow the prophet:) Don't stress, nothing terrible happened it was just a lot of stories of people who need the gospel in their lives.
As for miracles for the week...
Birthday Lunch...Yummy
1. We went to a referral... we got 6 this week by the way!!! and we saw this family. I knew we had to talk to them but had no idea what to say,so we said "do you know this woman?" She ended up getting her son who was in the car and he got out and said... I've heard of your church. I lived in Maryland for a few months and I know some Mormons! Miracle! That is really rare here!!! Then the mom said... "Oh yeah! you have that really pretty white church that lights up at night." Okay!!! They'd seen the temple! We were able to testify of eternal families and the power of the restoration. They said that there was a light that came from us. We sincerely have the light of Christ! The Holy Ghost:) Miraculous. I had a moment then that helped me realize that Heavenly Father is mindful of all of His children. He prepares specific moments for all of us to eventually reach true conversion. I was just a part of theirs!
2. We had a drop lesson for one of our investigators who hadn't been keeping commitments and we couldn't help anymore. She show up with her Book of Mormon and she's like " I've read to page 90 and I can't put it down"! Sister Blake and I were beaming:) It was so cool. her life has changed so much.
As for funny moments... This one is pretty good! It was raining and Sis. Blake and I had no umbrella... but then all of the sudden I get an idea... the laminated map!!! So in the pouring rain we were running around with the map literally over our heads and laughing. It was so funny! We were DEFINITELY sharing light and joy. Especially when we went to run across the cross walk and Sis. Blake thought I had the map and I thought she had it and it ended up getting dropped in a huge puddle of dirty water. We were dying as we picked it up and ran the rest of the way. Oh I'm sure you can just picture it!
I want to share just one insight of knowledge I received this week. I have wanted my whole mission to become like Moroni or Ether, solid and faithful and filled with love. I know that I am these things, but I think I was setting these really height expectations. Well, this week I was really stressing. My mission is coming to a close( in Poland;) and I really want my testimony to be like Ether. Well, I was stressing myself out with this and ended up really feeling lame about my testimony. I prayed and had this really great insight... Um Hello! If you live the gospel your testimony comes line upon line, precept upon precept. It really touched me that Heavenly Father answers prayers and through revelation. Also... I had the strong impression to read Isaiah to understand the Savior's Atonement... I am doing so and I love it! Who'd have ever thought? hahaha!
Well, I am so grateful for all of the birthday wishes and packages and cards! I am really a spoiled missionary!
I hope you have a lovely week! Tell Bear Lake Hello for me and all the fam! I love both sides of my family so much:) The story of picking up the trip really touched me mom. I know that that was meant to be and Heavenly Father is so proud of you and dad for your sacrifice and love!

The Church is True!
Love, Siostra Ali Hemming

Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

July 7th, 2014
The Best Family in the World!!!
I am so grateful to be in Poland as a missionary for the Lord on my birthday;) I had a wonderful week and learned a lot of things. This week we had a lot of miracles... but we also have a lesson here in about thirty minutes and so I have to go quickly.
We met a lot of cool new investigators this week, and we are excited for one of them especially! She is a former who is really just wonderful and has a little daughter. She is moving to Kielce in a few months so that's not a coincidence... Nothing in the gospel is a coincidence.
I want to share some specific experiences from this week!
On Sunday I was prompted to ask one of my favorite members for her conversion story. She has a wonderful story that I'll have to tell you all later( don't worry, I wrote it down) but it was amazing because I was taught by the spirit that we have a Loving Heavenly Father who is really aware of us in every way. That is why when we all individually have specific songs, scriptures and words that mean a lot to us, heavenly Father can give us these things to guide us back to the place that we are meant to be, or to recognize His hand, or to feel His love. When we know this, nothing can stop us!!!
Sisters Blake, Hemming and Poklinkowska
This week we had a wonderful fourth of July! Sis. Poklinkowska was with us and it was so much fun! It went soooo quickly:) it is crazy how quickly time is flying by. We went to this burger place to eat with the Elders and we loved it! Then we ate dinner at a fun place by our house! We taught the gospel of freedom with everyone on the street and it was wonderful. I was struck by how wonderful my country is, and how much of a blessing that is that I was born in America! I am blessed to have many ancestors who fought in the Revolution and I am blessed to have the gospel from a free country. We sang quite a few songs that morning and every single one about America was all about how Heavenly Father really blessed our country to come into existence!
Okay... so I have to go unfortunately... but I just want to let you all know how much it means to me that you all wrote me for my birthday! Thank you so much. I am so blessed and I am grateful for your love!
Love you all so much!     Love, Siostra Ali Hemming