Monday, December 16, 2013

As long as there's Christmas I truly believe that HOPE is the Greatest of the Gifts we receive!!

December 16th, 2013
Hello my Lovely Family!
I have loved reading your e-mails, my one from my little Heathie touched me so much. That he has faith that I am doing what the Lord wants...:) I love my Little Siblings! If only you knew:)
This has been a very influential week on my mission. I have learned so much, I think that Heavenly Father knew that I was getting a little lost in the logistics of missionary work and a little too bez oczucia:) There have been a lot of experiences this week that have led me to think about my personal testimony of the work. I have been praying so very hard and am grateful for a renewed sense of who I am and I hope to share my testimony with you accurately in this letter.

Karina is doing so well! She and her husband and their sweet little family were all in church this week, and we went to their house on saturday to eat with the Elders. The leaps and bounds that their family have made just add to my testimony that this church changes lives to be in accordance with God's will, because it's His church, so it really makes so much sense! Her date is january 4th, and I am praying so hard that she will be ready, she just needs to take the step. I know it will start her live over, give it to her new, and she can become better than she ever has been! ( which is hard to believe)
We had a great week and found some great new investigators. We had a great discussion with one of our english students who I love! She is reading the Book of Mormon and she says that the scriptures are helping her to find more joy in her life, that is because they are from God. They are from the Father of us all! One of our investigators, as I was sharing my testimony about how we are all children of God, said that we should trakt and when they open the door say .. " Cześć kochanie! tęsknie za tobą:)" basically Hey darling... I miss you. I thought it was a good idea, but then I got a call from one of our contacts asking me on a date... and decided better not;)
At this time of the year I have been reflecting on the reason. The reason I'm doing what I'm doing... the reason that I plead that others will also be a part of this great work, and the Reason is found in my heart. The Savior. It's all for Him. His great sacrifice for me cannot be repaid, but I can give my all for this short time ( and really my whole life) to come closer to Him. I read a talk from Elder Holland that talks about teaching the atonement. It says that we can't expect to come close to Christ without having to walk some couple of steps in the general direction of Calvary. I know that I will never experience even half of what He did, but I am so grateful to give this time to come to know Him, " as He is" ( moro. 8:) I read from Jesus the Christ when it talks about the fig tree that is all leaf and no fruit. It caused me to look inside myself. I sometimes get caught up in working hard and acheiving goals and pushing the work that I forget my real purpose. During this Christmas time, let us all FEEL the meaning of CHristmas. Take a step back from the craziness of life to reflect on the Savior and His ultimate sacrifice, His love. As Joseph Smith said, Let us " treasure up the words of life". I can't think of any work that depicts life more than "Savior".
As my only Christmas in the mission field ( maybe... except for with my stunningly wonderful  husband someday:) I would like to testify that this is His CHurch! It is simple and beautiful and is just makes sense. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that His works and word are from God for us in these days. Have miracles ceased? Definitely not!
I love you all! I will talk to you on Christmas:) By the way... I'm trying to think... I know that you are all going to really want to talk to me super early in the morning... but if it's okay with you I think I'd actually rather you called later at night. That way I can look forward to it all day and after the call I can read the scriptures, say a prayer and go to bed, so that I can start the next day fully focused. I know that kind of takes the fun out of it but I'm thinking that if you called me at like 10 o-clock in the morning... on the 25... so it will be 18 my time that would be so great! I also only have 40 minutes, so if you think that you could write down or think of what things you want to talk about that way we can use the time well! I really just want to hear you all and what's going on in your lives and such!
I love you all sooooo much!!!  I can't wait to serve the Lord this week!
Love, Siostra Hemming!

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