Monday, July 1, 2013

One For The Books

This week has been one for the books,
I loved my final days in the MTC, the MTC was so great and I enjoyed it and was ready to get out there and work;) I loved our zone there, but I felt so ready to go. We took a plane to the detroit airport, and I loved talking to everyone. I love my family sooooooo much. I really don't even know how to describe it, but I thought I felt so much love for you all before I left, and now I feel like I want to live right next to you my whole life. My new companions think I'm a little bit crazy because everytime we talk about families I get emotional. I have been softened and humbled so much. I needed it. I am looking forward to e-mails and letters. I will be here for at least eight weeks so if you have letters send them to my home, if you have packages send them to the mission home, with pictures of the Savior on them;)
So we arrived in Amsterdam, and we started to get alittle more nervous. I tried to talk to a lady on the plane, but she wasn't interested in the gospel and was very Catholic:) got to the mission home and went right out contacting. We don't really tract in this mission. We contact. it was a great day. I was exhausted though:) Then we slept in the mission home, the next day we went out on splits in Warsaw, that was amazing, my companion was Sister Barth, who just got here before me, and we worked with Sister Antkowiak, who is a convert going to Chicago on her mission! She was amazing and I loved it. Then they assigned us to our places, and I was super excited to go to Krakow. I got on the train the next morning and started off.
I have learned so many lessons. I realize that the people of Poland don't know what they can have. I realized that I am on the Lord's errand. That Heavenly Father needs me and that I am here for a reason. I have tried losing myself and my life in the Lord's work, and as I prayed and prayed and prayed, He has helped me so much. I am starting to love it so much more, and I am so grateful.
I love my companions. Sister Allen is hard working and on the ball, but fun! Which helps so much! Sister Young is in Grandma's ward( as you said mom) and she is lovely and hard working as well. Sister Allen speaks the language so well and she talks to everyone she sees. I think she's helped me so much with starting off my mission right!
We have had some funny experiences:) The elderly people here are sometimes very kind... and sometimes very bold. A man walked up to Sister Young and I yesterday and asked us if we were virgins. We had no idea what he was saying so we kept asking him to repeat it, then Sister Allen walked over and helped translate. When awkward things happen we make a K-Ching noise... because we get awkward points:) That one definitely rung it up. He was quite old so I wasn't really creeped out, but He just kept pointing his finger at Sister Young and smiling and saying... really? Then He said that if we were, he thinks our church might be true because the women are virtuous. Needless to say we hopped on the bus and laughed for awhile.
Then we had an awesome experience!!!!
We've had so many miracles, Heavenly Father has perfect timing.
 We decided to go to visit a previious investigator yesterday, named Monika, we got rung into her flat, by miracle, and someone opened the door, we had never met Monika, so we just acted like we just  showed up, at first she wasn't interested and had no time, but then she let us in,( Heavenly Father) and we taught her a solid first lesson. The whole thing... which we used to think was impossible:) and she llistened as I talked about how I am here because I know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me, I said that I know He loves me evern more than my father( cue the tears) on earth loves me. That I know that my family can be forever through the gospel, ( I really struggled holding them back then) and that I feel like since I was blessed with such an amazing family I had to get out here and serve. She listened, said she wanted to read the Book of Mormon, said that she doesn't like the Katolik institution and that she thinks that children shouldn't be baptized. Her name is not Monika, but Joanne. She was alone in her apartment, she was studying, she was prepared, I felt so blessed. WE can't meet with her until next week but we will keep track of her for sure!
I love this work. We are teaching many women right now. Ola,  Dominika,  Joane, Marta, and Magda. They are all so great, but are struggling being progressing inestigators. But we know that Krakow will grow. It is ripe, we just need to talk to everyone! So the other day, Sister Allen was on the bus and she was talking to some people and when we got off, this girl walked up to her and said, I used to meet with the missionaries but I stopped, and I would like to meet with you again,is that possible!!! yes!!! Appartenly that never happens. But I love that it did, so we will be teaching her as well, Zofia.
I love you alll so much. Please appreciate all the family that you have around you. Please appreciate your relationship with Heavenly Father, and your scriptures. I love being a missionary. I love you with all my heart! Pray for Poland. Be safe.

Ali and her old companion

And and a future Basket Ball player AT Utah State

ALi and her new companions

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