Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Week 2 E-mail!

Hello Family:) I guess you probably  didn't know, but my P-days are on Friday:)
First off, I am so grateful to everyone who has sent me letters and packages. I feel so blessed and it comforts me so much! The Dicksons, Sister Bassett and Mikayla and Meisha, you guys are Heaven Sent! All of your lovely letters have been so kind, I am so grateful! I will try and write back as many as I can:)
I can hardly believe this was only one week. I have learned SO MUCH, and it's only been a week! I have felt the spirit so strongly and have loved every minute! My Companion is seriously an angel! She is so kind and funny and I love that she is mine. We laugh all of the time, and our whole district gets along so well, it makes it so nice. Polish is pretty tricky, but I've started having such a love for learning it... well I guess I always love to learn language... but this particular one has a special place in my heart. I have been praying so hard for the Lord to open my heart and loosen my tongue, that I may be His missionary.  As I have done this, I have felt this wonderful feeling of peace and excitement every time that I learn something new! It is lovely. We go to the temple every P Day and it has been so wonderful. We finished teaching our first Investigator, and I learned so much from it. It was amazing having the opportunity for someone to pray to God for the first time. Even though he is our teacher, We were taught that the Spirit is just as willing to practice with us as is our "investigator".
Next week, we will start TRC, where we will be skyping with the members in Poland! We will be teaching them lessons and I am so excited, but a little nervous. Our teachers have started talking about how we will be when we leave the mission, and it makes me sick! I will be so very sad to leave my mission, so I'm just loving every minute of it!!!! I was really sad about only being there for 18 months one day, and my lovely Kolezanka(comp.) said, Siostra Hemming, "You should never go fishing again!" That kind of confused me, and then she went on to remind me that after the Savior was resurrected, Peter said, "we go a fishing", and they all went back to their jobs before the Savior called them. She said, what a depressing feeling, but Christ made it very plain they were never to fish for fish again, but instead, they were to feed His sheep. So that gave me a lot of excitement, that for the rest of my life, I will feed His sheep. In whatever way I can.
My companion and I decided to really start to focus our minds on the Spirit, and not so much on the language. All I can say is "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all things shall be added unto you". It has made all the difference. I have felt the Spirit so strongly in every lesson, in every study, and I've learned so much more. It has truly been a miracle week.
This week I learned alot about the Holy Ghost, and the difference between the Gift and the Power. It is beautiful that we can have the opportunity to keep the Spirit with us always, guiding us in every decision and comforting us. I want EVERYONE to have that opportunity. There was a man sitting next to me here the other day talking about how the CHurch changed His attitude after he lost his leg. It reminded me of Louis Zamporini a bit, and It reminded me why I'm here.
I've been realizing a lot lately that although I need to build myself spiritually, It isn't about me, but it's about the people I'm meant to teach. WE have some AMAZING teachers! one of them I didn't love at first, but learned not to jugde because he and I have similar personalities, and as he tells us advice from his mission I am constantly uplifted and taught. It is wonderful, kone of the things that he said is that when we teach we need to make sure that every lesson isn't just a check mark, or something we think they need to know, but the bearin of testimony, and the sharing of blessings. He said he spent his first two months contacting every day, and he learned to love each new person he met, and find out the interesting things about him. He said that every person is meant for some purpose on thier mission, even if it isn't baptizing. He said that he met Jewish Poles everywhere, and that when he talked to everone else, they had only met one or none.
I know that I am meant to go to Poland for some reason. I'm determined to make a big difference there. I know I can get through to them because I already love them so much and feel the need to share this message that has changed my eternities. ahhhh! missionary work is so great!
There is nothing so empowering as knowing that I am doing the Lord's work. and that He is pleased. It is a beautiful feeling, and I wouldn't wish to be anywhere else. I need to serve so that the people can see a Living Example of what the Living Gospel of the Living Christ can do for people. THat they can see how happy I am blessed to be and know they can have the same thing for themselves.I will make sure that in heaven NO ONE  will ask me "why did you not stop me? why did you let me walk by":) I'd much rather be bold than lose that opportunity! i have loved talking with people, and helping them to see their potential. Next week all of the the older missionaries leave for Eastern Europe, and so we will be the oldies! whoah:) My companion and I have been called as Sister TRaining Leaders, which means that we will train and teach all of the new sisters coming into our zone. What an amazing opportunity! I don't know why I have been called to that, but I'm so grateful, because I have the opportunity to lose myself even more in the work of the Lord. I will make sure that these sisters are prepared to be missionaries, and that they feel so loved as I have felt here at the MTC.
I am so grateful for this experience, I love every minute! I love the Lord, and I know that as I invite others to come to Him, He continues to knock at the door. I am trying to hear His voice, so that He can come in:) I am praying every day to be His hands here, so that I may fulfull my promises.
I love you all and miss you! I miss hugging my sweet family, but I can't wait to teach others about how lovely my family is, and that everyone can have that!
Much Love!
Siostra Hemming
I wanted to put some pictures on.. but I'm struggling with how to do it:) sorry! I will next time
I would love some family pictures, I have the one but it's a little funny... and I want to show everyone how cute my family is!
Ali and her BEST friend Cara Bassett in the MTC together!

Ali, Rori, and Ryan, the day of her farewell!

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